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What We Believe

The Bible

  • The Bible is the Word of God. 

  • The 66 books of the Old and New Testament are verbally inspired by God, without error.  They are the complete revelation of God to man. 

  • God has preserved His Word in the King James Bible and we accept it, alone, as our final authority in all matters of faith and practice.  

       2 Timothy 3:16-17, 2 Peter 1:19-21

The Godhead

  • The Godhead exists in three eternal and co-equal Persons: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. 

  • These are one God, having the same nature, attributes, power, characteristics, and perfection. 

        Matthew 3:16, 17; 28:19; Acts 7:55;                 Romans 8:9; II Corinthians 13:14;                Colossians 2:9; I John 5:7

God the Father

  • God is a loving, merciful, longsuffering yet holy God.  

  • He is eternal, self-existent, infinite, perfect, all knowing, and all powerful. 

  • He is the Creator, Sustainer, and Provider of all living creatures. 

       Psalm 99:9; I Timothy 1:17; James 1:17;

       I John 4:8; Revelation 4:8

God the Son

  • Jesus Christ is the eternal, only begotten Son of God. He is God in the flesh. 

  • He was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, and offered Himself as a substitutionary sacrifice for the sins of all mankind.  

  • He bodily resurrected from the dead and He ascended into Heaven. 

  • He sits on the right hand of God, where He intercedes on our behalf until His bodily return to earth.

       Luke 1:3-55, John 1:1-15,

      Philippians 2:5-8, Colossians 1:15 

God the Holy Spirit

  • The Holy Spirit is the eternal Person of the Godhead who convicts men of sin. 

  • He regenerates, indwells, and seals those that place their faith in Jesus Christ. 

  • He sets us apart for holy living and God’s use.

  •  He instructs in the understanding of Scripture and guides and comforts believers in daily living. 

  •  He can be quenched or grieved by unconfessed sin. 

  • Anyone who does not have the Spirit living in him, is not a child of God. John 14:16, 17, 26; Romans 8:9-11;  I Corinthians 3:16; 6:19, 20; Ephesians 1:13, 14; 4:30-32;                      I Thessalonians 5:19


  • God created the universe in six literal days. The world and everything in it was created good and perfect and ultimately to bring glory to God.   

  • Man was created in God’s image and that creation was declared “very good”. 

  • We reject any theories of a big bang, creation gaps, or evolution.  

       Genesis 1-2; Exodus 20:11


  • God communed with man (Adam) until that fellowship was broken by the sin of disobedience. 

  • This sin not only brought about physical death but also spiritual death and eternal separation from God.

  •  Now all of mankind exists as a fallen race, with an inherited sin nature.  Genesis 3:8-11, 16-19, 5:1-5; Romans 3:10-23, 6:23

End Times


  • The Lord Jesus Christ suffered and died as a substitutionary payment for the sins of the whole world. 

  • He physically arose from the dead and then ascended into Heaven.  

  • Simple faith in His death, burial and resurrection and repentance of our sins is the only way mankind can be saved from sin’s penalty.

  •  Those that reject Jesus Christ as personal Saviour are separated from God for eternity in the Lake of Fire, 

  • Those who receive Him are adopted into His family and given the gift of eternal life and a home in Heaven. 

  • All who receive the free gift of salvation, are secure in Christ and guaranteed eternal life through Him. Luke 24, John 1:12; 10:27-30;  Acts 1:9-11, Romans 5:8-10, 8:38,39;      I Corinthians 15:1-19; Ephesians 2:8-10; Titus 3:5,6; 1 Peter 1:18, 19; 3:18

New Testament Church

  • The local church is an assembly of those that have been both saved and baptized by immersion. 

  • They have voluntarily united in membership for the purpose of preaching, spiritual growth, giving of tithes, fellowship, service and sharing the good news of the Gospel.  

  • Christ is the head of the church and therefore the church is free from any external authority or control. Proverbs 3:9; Malachi 3:8, 10; Matthew 16:16-18; Mark 16:15;         Acts 2:41-43; 20:28; Romans 12:4-13;   I Corinthians 16:2; II Corinthians 9:7

  • Jesus Christ, Himself, will come again to catch up believers prior to the seven years of tribulation. 

  • At the end of the tribulation period, Jesus will return with His saints to establish His thousand- year reign on earth, called the Millennium. 

  •  At the end of the Millennium, all unbelievers will appear at the Great White Throne Judgment to be judged for their sins.  They will then be cast into the Lake of Fire to suffer eternal punishment and torment.  

  • The believers will forever be with the Lord in Heaven. Matthew 24:29-42; I Corinthians 15:51-57:         I Thessalonians 4:14-17; Revelation 20:11-15; 21

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Grace Baptist Church, 1255 Hoover Road, Woodstock, VA 22664  |  |  Tel: 540-459-4870

 Opening Hours: Mon - Fri: 8am-8pm,​​ Saturday: 9am-7pm, ​Sunday: 9am-8pm

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